sâmbătă, 12 septembrie 2015

You’re a responsible parent! You think about your child’s future! You don’t have children? Why is that?

It's time for the cold shower of reality! This is a full scale invasion! [Warning adult content!]


We must realize just how serious and dangerous this situation is!
We must take a stand and stop this madness! We must push these people and their religion out of Europe!
We must gather and protest strongly [and peacefully!] so that our governments destroy our children's lives!

We must take a stand and defend our Freedom and Democracy!
We must defend our children from experiencing this in Europe! 

Did nobody actually notice on the news that  ISIS begins killing Christian children in Mosul

Have we forgotten that Islamic State leader Baghdadi 'raped Kayla Mueller'

After all we have build, we must stop this from ever happening in Europe!

Let's organize on Facebook, and make our government take a stand!
Refugees NOT welcome Europe
Crusade Against Islamisation of The World 
England:  Britain First
Romania: Anti islamizarea Europei and Împotriva refugiaților
Croatia: Islamist refugees are NOT welcome in Croatia  and PRIZNAJEM! HRVAT SAM
Germany: Keine weiteren Asylantenheime in Deutschland and PEGIDA

Leave a comment and let me know of other facebook groups you know!

People are already coming protesting in Prague, Warsaw, and Bratislava!

Video: https://www.facebook.com/reinhard.voros/videos/878993962186693/

People from all over Europe must unite just like we did at the Siege of Vienna to drive them back!

How did it get to this?

You are responsible parent, you think about raising your children, if you have more than one, so they have everything they need.


Islam teaches it's followers to have as many children as possible, regardless if they have anything to feed them! This is how many children people in each country has:

CountryFertility rate in 1970 (births/woman)Fertility rate in 2013 (births/woman)CountryFertility rate in 1970 (births/woman)Fertility rate in 2013 (births/woman)% of immigrants 2015

So where is this going to lead?

Think about it! Would you be able at least provide enough food for so many children, let alone provide everything else? Think about it! On your income, would you be able to support them trough everything? And we consider ourselves well-off! That obviously leads to poverty!

So what do people do when they are hungry?

They rebel! And start demanding more

The cause has already been reported in the media:



What would you say to a parent who in times of war brings into that world 5 children?  There is a word that comes to mind, but you can’t say it out loud because you would be called racist, xenophobic, and hate speaker. Why? To prevent conflict between people? Because of the Holocaust?

That is why Islam is bad for the people it spreads to!

How do I know?

The same happened in Romania. The state had a policy to force women to get pregnant. If someone didn't have children (but could) they would be fined
Were angry that we didn't have food! My father would wake up at 2 at night to stand in line for a bottle or two of milk that we might get before it runs out. And that bring civil uprisings and civil war!

Romania had a violent revolution. We were "the only country whose ruler was violently overthrown and killed at the end of the Cold War".

Your forefathers experienced it too!

Have we forgotten what triggered the French Revolution which  "profoundly altered the course of modern history, triggering the global decline of absolute monarchies while replacing them with republics." and is regarded by "Historians widely regard the Revolution as one of the most important events in human history." and brought "the passage of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen"? Have we forgotten what Marie Antoinette is supposed to said? "If they don't have bread, let them eat cake!"

What is the demand now? World equality? Liberté, égalité, fraternité for the people of the entire world regardless of country borders regardless of values and believes? Have we forgotten what the French Nobility got the guillotine, and now we say it was a great victory! What does IS practice? Beheading! Now we are the rich that is supposedly not sharing!
These will be your children if you don't stand up for yourself now!

Why should we let them in?

They run from the war with women and children? 

Why don't they go to Saudi Arabia or any other rich country nearby? Saudi Arabia has space for 3 million people in 100.000 tents which are only used 5 days a year! Why? Because they refused to accept them, however Saudi Arabia offered to build 200 mosques in Germany to "help" them!




All my life I was thought that men fight in war and woman and children run from war.

According to official UN statistics 72% are men:

What kind of people run and leave their women and children behind? Take a look yourself and see the difference!
These are real refugees!

These are not!

Beggars are not choosers? Sure they are!

Happy to be here!

We are almost told that it is only the women and children who are suffering, but there is no word on the news that is in fact the men who are fleeing? And behaving like invaders! Take a look for yourself!

Pictures like this boy are featured in all news! However take a look at the video!

At 0:55 in the video the boy is holding out his hands: (Cameraman: Ready?) Child: Give me a second! And starts crying and going down on his knees! Then looking twice at the cameraman to see if he is still being filmed! Once before going down on his knees, and once just before the video of him cuts off!
And who brings women and children into a fight? The two children that were reported injured, on some televisions were reported because they were thrown over the fence in Hungary and hit the pavement!

Why? Because ISIS said they were going to send an army:


How many showed up? 500 thousand, maybe more!


They come here to ensure economic growth?

The religious duty of immigration was stated in numerous Koranic Surahs: 2:218, 8:72,74,75; 9:30,; 16:41; 16:110…They all start with the same words: “Those who believed and emigrated, and strove hard and fought in Allah’s Cause…” Immigration goes as a step stone for Jihad; where you cannot establish Islam by force is where Immigration enters.


They have already started causing trouble in Germany, and in their "relaxed" style report: Yes, we are having problems, we are getting a few reports of fights, robberies and rapes:

Look at a lesson from history what effect a change in immigration results! According to the most neutral source in the world!


Then it was stated: “The act's supporters not only claimed the law would not change America's ethnic makeup, but that such a change was not desirable”

However the long-term results were dramatically different! [the original ethnic makeup of non Hispanic] White population in fact decreased from close to 90% in 1965 when the bill was signed to “75 percent of the overall US population in 1990 to 70 percent in 2000 and finally to 63.4 % during the year 2011. It is estimated that by the year 2042, white people […] will no longer constitute a majority”.

This will happen, and these will be my and your children! They will not be a majority. This is their future we are considering. Why is this so important? Because they will experience the violence that is now in North Africa and the Middle East!

Still not convinced we should have our voices heard?

Do you see the pattern? 

Take a look at a lesson from history. This is how Islam has spread so far: 

Jihad has never stopped! It's killing our own people, and it will kill our children! Time and time again!
Have we learned nothing from our history? How the Middle East was conquered? How the Byzantine Empire has fallen?

Bill Warner, PhD: Jihad vs Crusades:

And here how it looks now:

This is how it will look the way things are going!

And now Iran has found a large uranium reserve?

Quite a good timing isn't it? Just in time to build a nuclear bomb! I wish I was kidding, but I'm not!


Who will prevent Islamization of Europe?

Not our leaders!

Angela Merkel, Jean-Claude Juncker, welcomes them! Even the Pope welcomes them! He said “May every parish, every religious community, every monastery, every sanctuary of Europe, take in one family”.


He was supposed to be guardian of the faith! Yet invites them in!

Angela Merkel was called 'heartless' for trying to explain to a little girl that she had to be deported!
1. Why did that little girls parent brought her here and not to Saudi Arabia?
2. Let's have Angela Merkel explain to this guy who saved countless lives without disregard to his own, and to us all, why after calling him a Hero, we are going to encourage more terrorists like the one he stopped to come?
This guy and his friends saved a train full of passengers.

What about the rest of the terrorist attacks? The Boston Bombers were also refugees!

The Austrian prime minister calls the actions of the Hungarian prime minister reminiscent of the Holocaust? Has he forgotten how his own ancestors fought alongside the Hungarians against Islam? No, this is not the Holocaust, what Islam shall bring afterwards will be!

Not Obama

Not the power of Democracy or Freedom!

You think we can integrate these people and then there will be Freedom and  Democracy and Tolerance for other races, ethnicities and religions?

They are willing to kill us in our own countries for saying anything against Mohamed, see the Charlie Hebdo attacks! When Islam will have majority it will be worse, much worse and this is certain to happen due to demographics. And then they will have democratic majority!

No! None of these will be around anymore! Just like the values of the Native American! Just like they are gone from the Middle East and Byzantine Empire replaced by Islamic values and morals. Just because it's not happening to you right now you think you are safe, you don't have to deal with it? It's not your problem? It's in a distant land?
Nelson Mandela in the period of apartheid was denounces as a terrorist after his organization used bombings and then threatened to use guerrilla warfare and terrorism to seize power yet now he is viewed as the father of a nation. What if these people who now actually use terrorism were to seize power would be viewed as the fathers of an Islamic Europe?

Judge Jeanine Pirro Slams Jihad Mom: "Lady, You Shouldn't Be Allowed Here":

Still not convinced we should have our voices heard?

If Islam spreads to Europe in the most democratic spirit it will have the majority vote!

And then? Then the values we hold most dearly to us right now such as Democracy and Freedom (of speech, of religion) will disappear. No Muslim World countries were rated as a "Full Democracy". In fact 46 out of 49 countries in the Muslim world were rated as "Authoritarian Regime" or a "Hybrid Regime."


What will happen in Germany?

Angela Merkel's party is called “Christian Democratic Union”? Maybe it will be renamed “Islamic Democratic Union”, and then “Islamic Authoritarian Union”?

What will happen to us?

Poverty, civil war and the killing of our children!



 Nothing but our demands will stop this future from happening!

Just like they come here demanding that they have rights, the right to go wherever they want, to do whatever they want, I demand to be a responsible parent and have the right to protect my own children and their children and their right to Freedom, Democracy and Independence.
- I demand that Europe should be made up of European people and believe in European values!
- I demand that such a behavior is not tolerated!
- Let them seek refuge in an Islamic country! This is treason! It's undermining the state!
- I demand them be deported to a safe location in the Islamic world!
- I demand that ISIS be taken care of! Once and for all! Whatever it takes! As their spread is relentless, so must our demands and actions be!

Because whoever lives here should conform to our values and standards, not theirs!

It is their values and believes that are wrong! Their irresponsible attitudes and behaviors are wrong! And they have no right to come to our homes and impose their wrong believes on us! They should have no right to come to our homes and destroy ours just after they destroyed their country!

They have a selfish set of values and believes! Islam puts the selfish desire to spread before the good of it's own people! And then these people

- Kill themselves in the name of Jihad
- Have as many children as possible to change the demographic scene, regardless if they will have enough to eat.
- They use our lack of fight spirit and spirit of compromise in order to avoid conflict in order to relentlessly push their own agenda! If someone comes to you to kill your two children, what compromise would you accept? OK, let's meet in the middle? Just one!?

- Cheat: use our own values against ourselves:
  •     Use the right to asylum, but deny it to their own kind, and then kill us: Boston Marathon.
  •     Use our freedom of movement to go wherever they want. But deny it to us by killing us when we are there! Terrorists coming to our countries, but we cannot travel to theirs.
  •     Use our freedom of speech to spread their values and believes, but we cannot exercise it within our society: think Charlie Hebdo! Let alone spread it in their society.
  •     Use our democracy and play the demographics game to replace the current majority and take over!
  •     Use our crusades, and war on terror to justify their attacks? How about: You see the splinter in your brother`s eye; but not the beam in your own.
  •     Use our tolerance for other races, religions and national origins to claim equal treatment, but deny it to us. We are supposed to value each individual regardless of race, origin, and religion, but deny the value o a coherent society of individuals with a single minded goal can do? Isn't that why we gather in a society with common goals and values named a "Nation"? When has there been a better example of: We can't see the forest for the trees?
Can't we see we are getting played? If this would be a football game you would demand the referee ban them from playing. But this is not a game, and there is no  referee. This our children's future at stake! You still think that it's wrong to deny them asylum?

It's a war of attrition! They are relentlessly fighting it and just wait for us to have a weak moment to launch a full scale attack! This one is happening right now!

Still not convinced we should have our voices heard?

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